Community SourcePoint

Community SourcePoint is an ongoing offering led by the practitioners-in-training who live at Succurro, under ongoing feedback and supervision. This is for local residents and visitors of Delaware County to receive support and nourishment, as well as learn about SourcePoint - a lesser known, non-invasive and simple approach to Health.

Community SourcePoint happens at Bushel Collective every Wednesday 12-3pm.

These sessions are offered by sliding scale, between $20-40, either by cash or card. All funds go directly to the practitioner. Sessions last around 45 minutes.

Ready to book your sessions? You can do so below!



Sessions will last about 45 minutes. You are welcome to share as little or as much as comfortable with your practitioner, to aid them in supporting your health during your session. There is nothing you need to prepare prior to the session — you’ll be laying on a massage table, fully clothed, the entire time. Some light touch is involved in SourcePoint sessions, but much of the session will occur off the body as well. Clients should be as communicative with practitioner during the session as necessary, letting the practitioner know what they are experiencing.


SourcePoint is a simple, non-invasive method of energy work designed to enhance and expand whatever you are doing at the physical level to support your health. Founders Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson developed the approach over a period of 10 years beginning in 1995. They have been teaching it internationally since 2005.

SourcePoint Therapy focuses on the inherent health in each individual with simple practices that connect us with the Blueprint of health for the human being, that fundamental Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow present in the universal energy field and in our bodies and minds. Working with points and pattern in the energy field, we provide specific methods for awakening that energy in ourselves. Working with energy to release blockages in the body, we facilitate the work of the Blueprint.

Many healthcare professionals from a wide range of backgrounds take our workshops to enhance their therapeutic work. Artists find the work stimulates and enhances their creativity. Dancers and yoga teachers regularly integrate it into their work and teaching. People who have received the work come to workshops to enhance their practice of self-care. There is no end to the possibilities inherent in deepening and strengthening our grounding in the Blueprint of Health. 

We believe that healing is an art as well as a science. SourcePoint is grounded in ancient principles of sacred geometry. The concept of the Blueprint is found in one way or another in many traditions of spirituality, philosophy, and healing. In SourcePoint, the esoteric becomes practical. How do we apply these principles to support our health and that of others? 

If you are interested in taking training, professionally and/or personally, you can see our training schedule here.